Life Writers Blog

Reclaiming your story

Given the opportunity, what would you say about your life? What moments do you treasure most dearly? Who made an impact on you? What places shaped you? What assumptions do you think people make about you? Are they right or wrong?

The opportunity to claim your story and tell it in your own words is something many of us don’t have the chance to do.

I have always been interested in storytelling, which is why I was drawn to journalism. (Or, maybe the more accurate story is that I grew up at a newspaper, so storytelling has always been ingrained in me.)

But journalists, biographers and historians are usually the ones tasked with telling someone else’s story. That or the job is left to close friends or family members after a person has passed.

Why don’t more people get the chance to write their stories for themselves, offering the purest and truest version they are capable of?

Who’s better qualified to tell your story?

Is the writing process laborious or intimidating for most?

These are the questions that compelled us to start Life Writers and keep us excited and curious every day.

What if you could simply sit down and talk to someone about your life and have that conversation preserved for generations to come? What a gift to yourself and your loved ones!